
Do you have a dedicated devops person on your team? Maybe you have a shared team of devops engineers? Do you hire for devops role and build centers of excellence (CoE) around it? These engineers are responsible for environment provisioning and builds, they create and maintain your CI/CD pipelines, they chose a specialization in Chef or PowerShell DSC or Gradle? If you are Rackspace or a Rackspace-wannabe, then you’re probably on the right track. And if you are not then I don’t think you are doing it right.

A dedicated DevOps role is basically ops co-located with devs. It’s a lot better than old school functional structure with ops and devs isolated but it’s not yet the DevOps nirvana.

Let’s make a step back for a second. What are we trying to achieve? Use the modern infrastructure-as-code toolset? Be more agile in the operational aspects? Deliver continuously? Or maybe we also want shared responsibility? Devs thinking about Ops concerns (migration, monitoring, scalability, automation, instrumentation, upgrades, business continuity) when writing code and designing systems, not after? Not just deliver continuously but do so with confidence? Maybe we also want to better our dev teams? Make them not only full stack but also cross stack?

Expose your dev teams to ops concerns. Make them orchestrate provisioning and automate builds. Make them monitor and instrument their deployments. Have them learn some Chef, Shell, Powershell, Gradle, Buildr, Capistrano, Whathaveyou. It will only make better technologists out of them. Dedicate ops to run the underlying stacks (the vSpheres, and Swarms, and Kuberneteses of the world), to expose custom infrastructure concerns as code, to maintain an ever-growing repository of scripts and images and containers, to establish best practices. Using it should be part of the dev role.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Or so it should.
